March 16, 2021
The stills from a film produced after making the ‘SELF PORTRAITS’ collection of work.
After the portrait session, I had to remove the paint that had covered my figure. Whilst in the shower the way the water caused the paint to dissolve looked so beautiful but also eerie at the same time. The washing off of the paint symbolised stripping back me as a person to my most basic and natural form of just a body. It was so intimate and personal to feel. It felt very intrusive, but the stills have this harsh feel about them, almost making the audience feel guilty and uncomfortable for viewing such a private moment. I like this effect on the audience, of the struggle between looking and intruding. I edited the stills to be as dark and harsh as possible to really get this raw and gritty feel to them, and provoke these conflicting feelings on the audience. It was a different experience as I usually make the female body seem very angelic and beautiful, so it was fun to show it in a darker and more vulnerable state.
I also played around with printing on the tiles. I think the abstract shapes produced had a real delicate feel to them, but also looked like suspicious stains which again had these conflicting feelings about them.