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March 17, 2021

This pink and purple tie dye top features two lovable care bear characters representing men and women. The hug of the two bears symbolizes the bond and love between the genders, and the equality that feminism represents.

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This pink and purple tie dye top features two lovable care bear characters, representing men and women. The hug of the two bears symbolises the bond and love between the genders, and the equality that feminism represents.
I have often found that the main reason people choose not to call themselves a feminist, is because they are put off by the stereotype that feminists hate men. We do not! Feminism put simply, is all about equality between men and women. There are, as always, people who take these beliefs to the extreme. These people who call themselves 'feminists', but hate men, are what is wrong with the whole movement.
Unfortunately, people only associate these individuals with the cause, probably because they gain the most attention in the media. Social media generalizes all feminists as ‘men haters’ because that’s the only side that is talked about in the world.
The reluctance of the blue bear (male), represents how men have in general reacted to my feminist views. Whenever I try to talk to a man about feminism its often met with defence and a standoff ish attitude. This often makes them reluctant to listen and change their views. I think its very difficult to get them to overcome the idea that feminists like men. I admit that although most of the time I am unable to educate these men on feminism, sometimes a few smart and rational men realise their tainted view on the word. And I have definitely converted a few into openly admitting they are a feminist. It's something to be proud of after all.
Once again, feminism is not about women being more important than men, or having more rights or just being prioritised in general. Its about gaining the equality deserved between the two genders. We should all want equality for women, wouldn’t you want your sister/daughter/mum/friend to be treated just as fairly as any man in their lives? I hope so.
So, I hate to break it to you, but if you believe in equality between men and women you are a feminist!

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