February 5, 2024
This piece was inspired by the fact that many poeple, unfortunatly, think the word 'feminist' is a dirty and bad to call ones self.
In this work, audience members awere asked two questions, each with a corrisponding coloured dye.
Question 1 (Blue), "do you believe in equal rights between men and women?"
Question 2 (Pink), "would you call yourself a feminist?"
If the participant answered yes to both they would throw pink, but if they only answered yes to the first question they would throw blue.
The irony being both of the questions are the same. by definition a feminsit campaigns for equal rights between men and women. its only that ignornat people, and media influence, now beleive that feminist means you hate men.
The backdrop sheet was made into a collection of bucket hats which were then distributed to the audience. So now feminism has spread a little through the hats which by now have spread around the city of liverpool, and who knows maybe further...