March 17, 2021
Your body is yours and yours alone, and anyone who disregards and disrespects that is an abusive manipulative person.
Consent is a massive thing yet such a simple concept to grasp. Its completely up to you what you do and let others do with your body, and if you don’t grant them permission, they should respect that. Unfortunately, too often we hear cases of women in particular being attacked, raped, and killed. This happens randomly when women are out (often alone), but it also happens regularly in abusive homes and relationships.
As a woman, I often walk home in the early hours back from being out, I am a student after all. I find that every time I walk home, people always insist that I am chaperoned, or take a taxi. I understand that they’re just looking out for me, so want to make sure I get home safely. But its so fucked up that people have to do that. The fact is, that as a woman I have to make certain decisions when it comes to travel to avoid potential attacks. I should be able to walk somewhere on my own and not be harassed or abused. What I hate most is that a man walking home alone is less likely to experience such attacks. It does happen and no one can deny that, but ask yourself how many times you’ve warned a man about walking home alone?
There was a case recently, which really inspired the message behind this work. A body found by police in woodland on Wednesday has been confirmed as that of Sarah Everard. The 33-year-old marketing executive disappeared as she walked home in south London last week. A serving Met Police officer remains in custody having been held on suspicion of Ms Everard's kidnap and murder.
This is such a huge story at the moment and it's shown people that this is such an important issue!
As a woman, I will always walk home on my own if I want to. I am not letting these criminals determine if I can walk or not. But like a lot of women, I can’t help but often think what if something did happen? Women have adapted so many little tricks to feel safer and ward off potential attackers. From the pretend phone call, keys between the knuckles, crossing over the street when passing groups and so many more. I always feel so uneasy when these thoughts enter my head. I shouldn’t have to consider a potential fight strategy when walking home.
The other design point I’d like to mention is the hippie flower power style I made the t-shirt in. Firstly, because I love this aesthetic and design, but also because of the whole make love not war message this design sends. I really wish that the world was less violent and dangerous than it is. So, I try to produce work with an important and powerful message to spread care and awareness to others.