I have often found that the main reason people choose not to call themselves a feminist, is because they are put off by the stereotype that feminists hate men. We do not. feminism is all about equality between men and women, simple. There are, as always, people who take their beliefs to the extreme. These people who call themselves feminist, but hate on men, are what is wrong with the whole movement.
Unfortunately, these individuals are what people associate with the cause, only because they gain the most attention in the media. Social media generalises all feminists as ‘men haters’ because that’s the only side that is talked about in the world.
The reluctance and almost annoyance of the blue bear (male), represents how men have in general reacted to my feminist views. Whenever I try to talk to a man about feminism its often met with defence and a standoff ish attitude. Which often makes them reluctant to listen and change their views. I think its very difficult to get them to overcome the idea that feminists like men. I will admit that although, most of the time I am unable to educate these men on feminism, sometimes a few smart and rational men realise their tainted view on the word. And I have definitely converted a few into openly admitting they are a feminist. Its something to be proud of after all.
Once again, feminism is not about women being more important than men, or having more rights or just being prioritised in general. Its about gaining the equality deserved between the two genders. We should all want equality for women, wouldn’t you want your sister/daughter/mum/friend to be treated just as fairly as any man in their lives? I hope so.
So, I hate to break it to you, but if you believe in equality between men and women you are a feminist!
A piece of work produced in collaboration for another artists exhibition. The show displays work relating to females in sport and all the politics that accompany this group.
Click on the link to view this artist and her incredible work. Or click VIEW to learn more about the piece.
When designing this work for Lucy Mayers collection, there was a lot of ideas and prompts to go off. The initial brief was to produce work about women in sport, as the artist herself is a sportswoman (lacrosse). So, to me it was important to produce work that showed how talented she is, and to give her the recognition her talent deserves. All too often women are overlooked in sports, it’s becoming less of an issue in recent years, but the equality is still not there.
I decided to get this message across through a slogan on the back. I thought about maybe including a quote from a famous sports player, but none of them really captured wat I wanted to say. In the end I settled with “Yes I play like a girl. Need a lesson?”
Growing up I think most guys were teased and told they ‘played like a girl’ if their performance wasn’t good enough. This phrase has always bugged me, as it just completely undermines women’s sporting abilities. Its true that men biologically have a higher muscle to fat ration, and therefore, theoretically, should perform better in sport. But let’s be honest it’s just not true. I guarantee you now that any ‘average’ man could not beat serena Williams in tennis, score a goal against any professional female football team, or beat lucy in lacrosse. Just because men have dominated the sports industry, doesn’t mean women are any less capable or deserving of the titles they earn. If women had been allowed to play and compete professionally in all the sports as long as men have been, we would be just as respected and be at the same, if not better level.
As well as the slogan, on the front of the t shirt is an illustrated representation of a pair of female breasts. The female figure is always prominent in my work, but here it has a more significant meaning. Lucy and I have both had personal experiences with loved ones who unfortunately have/had cancer. The female body is so beautiful and it’s so sad that breast cancer happens to be the most common form in women. I wanted to make this work about this as well. Women often feel that their breasts define their femininity, so imagine having to have your breasts remove just to have a better chance of living. I’m here to reinforce the message that you are STILL A WOMAN even if you have had your breasts removed. You are a strong and determined woman and you shouldn’t feel any less beautiful or feminine. Your womanhood isn’t defined by your figure, its defined by your love, heart and mind.
Lucy, I love you lots, and my thoughts are with you and your family.
Rest in peace Granny Annie, you are loved so much, and we all miss you.